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Category Trusted Mats Blog

Welcome to the Trusted Mats Blog, where we roll out the latest news, views, and insights on all things matting! Whether youโ€™re looking to spruce up your space or swot up on industry trends, weโ€™ve got you covered. Discover how the right mat can make all the difference!

Entrance Mat Aesthetics

Entrance mat aesthetics
First impressions start at your doorstep! Ditch drab doormats for style-savvy sentinels. From sleek logos to bold colors, entrance mats aren't just dirt-blockersโ€”they're your building's handshake, setting the tone for what lies beyond.

Entrance Mat Construction Choices

Entrance Mat Bi-Level Construction

Bi-level vs Single Level Entrance Mats Bi-level mats have two distinct levels, an upper and a lower level, while single level mats have a flat surface like typical carpeted top mats. This difference in construction has a noticeable effect onโ€ฆ